Things to Consider Before Hiring an Estate Sale Company
Published On: July 11, 2021Categories: Blog Post, OSEL Blog2.9 min readViews: 160


Selling your home can be an overwhelming process, which is why many people choose to hire an estate sale company. Such companies provide the promise of a smooth, hassle-free process for you, in return for a fee.

When you see the enormous mountain of tasks that you will need to undertake to carry out a successful estate sale, you may be enticed by the prospect of hiring professionals. Don’t rush into the hiring process though, rather take your time and do your research.

Here are some questions you should ask the candidates, to ensure that you go into the process with complete clarity.

Services Catalog

Before you hire an estate sale company, you should always ask for all the services that will be included in their engagement with you. Selling a house isn’t easy, and there are many items that need to be addressed before, during and after the sale.

These things may include:

  • Sorting
  • Cleaning
  • Staging
  • Advertising
  • Permits
  • Sales Tax Fulfillments
  • Post-sale cleaning

Fees and Charges

While the variety of charges, and the manner in which they’re collected will vary by case, you should have an idea of how the payment will be spread out. This process also involves probing the estate sale company about which charges will be covered by you, and which will be covered by the company.

This helps avoid any future misunderstandings, and lets you get a final price on selling the house. As you can see, the liquidator’s fee is not the only expense that will arise. You should also ask if the payment will be taken in full after the sale, or if a deposit is required.

Appraisal Techniques

You should definitely ask any estate sale company that you’re thinking of hiring, how its team makes price determinations. Many have professional appraisers; find out if that is the case. If yes, you should ask about the appraiser’s qualifications and expertise. Clarity on this matter is required so that you can rest assured that you’re getting a fair price for everything.

You should also find out how the professionals appraise the value of items they are not experts at. This will give you insights into their process, and help you decide whether you trust the processes to deliver reliable outcomes.


Estate sales attract large swathes of people to your property. It is the estate sale company’s job to keep your property secure, and manage the crowds of people adequately. This information will reassure you that enough security is present, and enough precautions are being taken to safe keep your valuables.

Conflicts of Interest

Staff working at estate sales and estate sale companies sometimes like what they see for themselves. This is obviously a huge conflict of interest. It may result in your item being sold for a far lower value than it would collect on the market.

Obviously, estate sale companies are familiar that this is a potential problem. Staff needs to be well-trained and thoroughly screened to ensure that you aren’t being cheated. As such it is important you grill all candidates to find out if they’ve established internal controls that are rigorous enough to counteract any foul play.

Wrapping Up

Orlando Estate Sale Ladies is fully licensed estate sale company that has a stellar reputation in the market. We pride ourselves in delivering high-quality services to all our clients. Reach out and avail our services at no upfront cost by calling (321) 663-6981.



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Orlando Estate Sale Ladies
Winter Park, Fl 32789
Tel: (321) 338-3724